David Skinner & Partners

Transient Electromagnetics (TEM)

Transient Electromagnetics (TEM)


Easy, Precise and Rapid Resistivity Surveys

The ABEM WalkTEM 2 is a user-friendly, rapid survey solution that can provide precise resistivity models directly in the field for the search, mapping and monitoring of groundwater, mineral deposits, and environmental change. Depths of hundreds of metres can be investigated in minutes and the work can be finished whilst other survey methods would still be setting up. The system is scalable, with modular hardware, allowing expansion of the instrument capabilities in line with your changing needs.


Clean and precise data are provided seamlessly from shallow to deep with separated transmitter and receiver units, robust ABS polymer housings, broad dynamic range and dual moment measurements.


With a choice of receiver specifications, multiple transmitter models and a range of transmitter loops and receiver coils, the WalkTEM 2 is always a perfect fit. Combined with a unique hardware licensing system, ABEM are able to offer the ultimate scalable solution, with depths of 800+ metres achievable from the largest configuration. Hardware licensing allows remote upgrade of receiver and transmitter specifications with no need for a return to base.


User-friendly transmitter loops and receiver coils are fast to lay out and the operator will be quickly into the light and intuitive user interface, mapping in minutes what could take hours or days with other geophysical technologies or drilling. The unique Dual Moment operation switches between settings suited to shallow and deep soundings automatically within a single measurement cycle. Multiple channels allow the simultaneous use of separate receivers, either sensitive to shallow and deep responses, or configured to measure different components of the returned signal. These ‘multi-component’ measurements are particularly useful for mineral prospection and complex geological settings. To speed up the processing stage, data from both moments and all channels are recorded into a single dataset, so no need to manually re-configure the system and repeat readings, or combine separate files after the survey. Onboard inversion allows for initial assessment of a site and data to be made there and then, with no need to return to base or even get a laptop out.


The built-in damping resistors and waveform analysis tools will simplify the set-up of transmitter loops so that even a relatively inexperienced TEM user can easily achieve the best possible result every time. When multi-tasking on tight schedules, Bluetooth notifications tell you of instrument alerts and notify you upon measurement completion.

Typical Applications

Groundwater A high sensitivity to conductive materials makes TEM extremely useful in groundwater studies, for example differentiating between fresh, brackish and saline deposits, monitoring drawdown and recharge of an aquifer, or simply estimating its extents by building up profiles or grids of soundings.

Environmental TEM provides a rapid means of surveying for a range of environmental applications from identifying potentially hazardous clay units within a geological sequence, to mapping and monitoring dynamic features such as permafrost thickness or potential pollutants.

Minerals TEM responds well to conductive mineral bodies. With multi-component measurements and the ability to determine chargeability from IP effects in TEM data (using Aarhus SPIA TEM), the WalkTEM 2 is a powerful tool in the search for new mineral deposits.

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Affordable but Capable

The ABEM GroundTEM i5 and i10 are user-friendly, app-controlled instruments that complement the existing WalkTEM range perfectly. They make groundwater and environmental TEM surveys more affordable, less complex, and quicker to deploy, with a one-box lightweight solution.


Redefining what you can expect from an entry-level system
The lower starting price of the GroundTEM range does not mean this is a ‘stripped-back’ system. It benefits from dual-moment output: measurements configured for both shallow and deeper responses are collected in a single measurement period, and then combined in the same data file. There is a choice of two transmitter loop sizes (20x20m and 40x40m) and a choice of flexible 3x3m receiver coil or our existing RC-5 antenna.

The GroundTEM complements perfectly the WalkTEM 2, offering a true entry-level TEM solution, but one which comes with sound design and data quality. The GroundTEM electronics were designed by
TEMcompany, which is a spin-out of the world-renowned TEM centre of excellence at Aarhus University and, thus, like the WalkTEM 2, offers an excellent pedigree.


The instruments are exceptionally portable, with the main instrument weighing just 6kg, even when the flight-safe removeable Li-ion batteries are installed. This takes the efficiency of WalkTEM 2 survey up a level – it truly is a high-productivity system that is intuitive and quick to set up through the GroundTEM App. A GroundTEM instrument would be a great addition for existing WalkTEM 2 customers for those projects that require quicker deployment and greater portability due to location and/or terrain.


Although the GroundTEM transmitter and receiver are in the same case, they run on completely isolated circuits with separate batteries to minimize noise and improve data quality. Having a choice of transmitter sizes (5A or 10A) provides flexibility at the time of purchase, and the ability to remotely upgrade from the lower to higher specification should provide confidence that the instrument will be adaptable even if survey requirements change in the future. The GroundTEM transmitter retains the dual-moment operation offered in the WalkTEM 2 instruments, which allows both low and high current pulses to be used within a single measurement cycle. This provides the highest quality data from near-surface to maximum depth of approximately 200 metres.

Data Collection

Data collection is done through the GroundTEM App, but the computing and data storage is all happening within the main instrument; this means that even a very basic Android or Apple device can host the App.

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